Saturday, February 22, 2014

Surviving on the Island

Surviving on the Island

Over the past eight months, I have often compared myself with Robinson Crusoe. Robinson was lost on an island, and I have been lost on a big island, America. As a traditional Chinese student new in this country, I lack independence, which means I can easily get in trouble with everything. I may not know how to cook my dinner. I may lie on my bed staring miserably at some dirty clothes, because I never had to do such chores. I may even stand on the street, hoping that my Google glasses will help me to translate so that I can make new friends. Living in America alone has been a huge challenge for me, but it has given me a second chance to shape my independence.

The first problem that Robinson had to overcome on his island was about cooking, and this was also my first and important challenge. When I was in my hometown of Qingdao, Shandong Province, my mother always cooked for me, so I had never learned how to cook. Therefore, when I left China to come to the United States, I realized that it was time to learn a new skill. I searched cookbooks online and practiced every day. Although it took me so much time to learn how to cook and I almost invited a fireman to visit my home many times, I learned how to fry a steak and cook other delicious food. Now, I even enjoy cooking. Just like Robinson, it gave me confidence that I could live on my “island” by myself.

Beyond the need to cook for myself, living in a city requires that I have more chores to do than Robinson. At least he didn’t need to wash clothes because he could walk on the island without clothes all day, and no policeman would catch him. Most Chinese children are called little emperors or little princesses by their parents although they have no real power and always get spankings at home. They have nothing to do except study. Likewise, when I was home, my mother acted as my personal steward. Hence, after I came to America, I found I had to do a lot of chores by myself-washing clothes, cleaning dishes, and paying all kinds of bills. I often tried to escape, but these chores never left me alone. Eventually, I realized that it was time to put my essays aside and to do other things that I had never done at home before. I started writing lists to remind myself what kinds of chores I should do each day. A few weeks later, I gradually got rid of the lists, and it has already become a habit for me to do domestic chores. To this day, I still don't like doing chores, but at least I can do them by myself without depending on anyone.

After Robinson had dinner and finished his chores on the island, he thought about finding a girlfriend. At least he wanted a person to talk to. I felt so lonely when I came to America. My friends were all in China. I even tried to lure them to visit me and I promised I would provide accommodation, but nobody came. After a few weeks, I forced myself to go outside and talk with strangers using my less-than-fluent English. I rarely talked to other people actively before. But now, I feel really comfortable communicating with other people. It not only improved my English skills, but I also met many interesting people. An independent person should know how to communicate with other people. Because of these efforts, my American life is becoming more and more colorful.
Although I have encountered a lot of challenges on this island, they have made me stronger than ever before. I feel I was refreshed. These days, I can calmly face any problems, and I can proudly tell my friends that I have become an independent person. Not many people could get a second chance from life, but I got such a chance. Not many people could seize this second chance, but I did. Recently, I realized there is a huge difference between Robinson Crusoe and me. He tried to escape from his island, but I am trying to stay on mine.


  1. great job, Shengxin. what a creative essay, by joining something you have read with your life experiences. I totally agree when you say that when some force himself to go out and talk with strangers, he will not only have a better speaking but also learn something about interesting about that person.

  2. Kyle, you can fantasy you are the other Robinson. Amarican is the other island. I like your idea for the essay, and I will give you full mark also if I'm the teacher. In addition, I began to like this country too.

  3. Nice, Kyle! The most interesting part in your essay was that you compared youself with Robinson. Living without family is a afflivtive thing for us, but it is also a great chance to help us to inprove ourselves along.

  4. Hi, Kyle. I am so great that you start to like Chicago. From your essay, I find that you are better than Robinson. Because you find out your way of your future. I believe that you will success your dream here.

  5. Hello, Kyle. I think you will be a successful man! I trust u.


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